
I am truly honored and feel very blessed to have the endorsement of the following elected officials, candidates and organizations:

Congressman Kevin Kiley (R-CA)

Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA)

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)

Assemblyman Joe Patterson

Placer County Supervisor Shanti Landon

Harmeet Dhillon - California National Committee Woman at RNC, CEO/Founder Center for American Liberty

Lance Christensen - Vice President, Education Policy & Government Affairs at California Policy Center

Mark Wright - Chair, Placer County Republican Party

Greg Holt - Board President, Auburn Union School District

Jayson Wedge - Board Member, Auburn Union School District

Jessica Spaid - Trustee, Placer Union High School District

Danny Cartwright - Loomis Town Councilmember

Amanda Cortez - Loomis Town Councilmember